November Trivia Quiz

 10 questions about November. Enjoy 😀

1. Which holiday, widely celebrated in Mexico, is on the 1st and 2nd November?

2. November takes its name from the Latin word novem, which means what?

3. On which date in November is Guy Fawkes Night?

4. Which virtual band had a song called November Has Come on their 2005 album Demon Days?

5. Which charity event, broadcast on the BBC takes place annually in November?

6. What popular shopping day is on the fourth Friday of November?

7. What flower is associated with Remembrance Sunday?

8. US elections are always on which day of the week in November?

9. November's full moon is named after which animal?

10. What is November's birthstone?


Autumn trivia at Autumn Trivia Quiz (

More quizzes at PrettyPrintorium - Etsy UK

1. Day of the Dead        2. Nine               3. 5th November           4. Gorillaz          5. Children in Need

6. Black Friday              7. Poppy            8. Tuesday                     9.Beaver           10. Topaz (and Citrine)      
